We understand that identifying a Mental Health provider and/or professionals, can be an overwhelming and confusing task. Our overall goal is to help you identify what is going to work best for you and/or your family.
The following list provides some basic questions that you may want to ask a Service Provider, Qualified Professional and/or other Clinician when trying to identify a Service Provider. You need to feel 100% comfortable with who you choose as your provider–finding the right provider is important to establishng a therapeutic rapport and ensuring that you are going to receive the best service.
Remember that your service provider works for you!
Ask potential providers:
- about their level of education, training, licensure (if applicable), and years of experience.
- are they a member of any professional association
- whether they specialize in certain disorders or age groups. For example, some providers only provide Child & Adolescent services;Some may specialize in eating disorders.
- do the clinicians that will be working with you and/or your child have specific training in an evidenced based model (if so-when, where, by whom and for how long)
- does the individual clinician participate in ongoing clinical supervision/does the service provider agency provide ongoing clinical supervision, including how models of fidelity are monitored
- which approach(es) do the clinicians or the service provider agency use when providing services
- how are cultural competency and special needs issues addressed
- do the offer assistance and/or services for people with limited english proficiency

Useful Web Sites
We have also include links to various websites, that may offer additional information and clarification to any questions that you may have:
NC Division of Health and Human Services-Children & Adolescents
NC DHHS-Children & Adolescents provides information on all Child & Adolescent services, resources, and treatments throughout the State of NC. You will find information on accessing state resources to assist your child.
NC Division of Health and Human Services-Families & Adult
NC DHHS-Families & Adults provides information on all Family & Adult services, resources, and treatments throughout the State of NC. You will find information on accessing state resources to assist you and/or your family.
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare is the MCO Entity for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County area. This site provides information on providers and services throughout Mecklneburg County and surrounding areas.
National Alliance on Mental Illness-NC
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots organization for people with mental illness and their families. Founded in 1979, NAMI has affiliates in every state and in more than 1,100 local communities across the country.
System of Care
System of Care is not a program — it is a philosophy of how care should be delivered. Systems of Care is an approach to services that recognizes the importance of family, school and community, and seeks to promote the full potential of every child and youth by addressing their physical, emotional, intellectual, cultural and social needs.
Latin American Coalition
Latin American Coalition empowers Charlotte region’s Latino immigrant community to successfully integrate into their new home through victim assistance, integration support, education and an Immigration Law Clinic.
Time Out Youth
Time Out Youth (TOY) Center is a place where you can experience a sense of belonging and community. Whether you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, a straight ally – or just don’t want to be labeled, you will be welcomed here. Some of the youth at TOY are out, some are partially out, and some are not out at all. Time Out Youth Center offers a safe space for all and fully respects the journey of each individual.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service
Hearing Loss Association of America is the nation’s largest organization for people with hearing loss. HLAA exists to open the world of communication for people with hearing loss through information, education, advocacy and support. The Charlotte Chapter is located minutes from our PSR Program and offers monthly meetings/activities with captioned Assisted Notetaking, carpeted rooms and hardwired audioloop system.
Hopefully, you found the answers that you needed within our site or through one of the links referenced on the site.If not, that’s ok. Feel free to contact us with any additional questions or concerns that you may have.